
Patient and RX OPT before treatment. Check up by parodontal probe. The position of future implant is planned on Rx.

The bicortical screws were inserted, after parodontal treatment.

RX OPT control after 1 year.

Same case. Followup after 12 years.

Aesthetic result (front view) after 12 years. 

Situation after 15 years (1990-2005).

Present situation - 2006

Present situation - 2007


Present situation 2009 (after 19 years)

1990 - 2010 Patient present situation after 20 years

Case 4 1990 - 2011

Case 4 1990 - 2012 (22 years)

Case 4 1990 - 2014 (24 years)

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